Article Round-Up: June 3 – 9

Top 10: Body Weight Exercises – From the Angry Trainer, here are exercises that you can do without a single piece of equipment! When my gym is closed, as it often is since it is not a box gym, but rather a city building, I often am forced to have a day or two of replacement workouts, and since I live in tiny apartment, I don’t have any equipment other than my laptop and my body. I often pop in a DVD or go on YouTube and go through body-weight circuits to get my burn on.

6 Tips for Minimizing and Relieving Muscle Soreness – I never used to have any real problem with muscle soreness, but ever since I started James Wilson’s strength program, I wake up with new aches what seems like every day. So, what do I do to relieve the soreness? Now I take BCAA pre-/post-workout, glutamine post-workout, and foam roll as desired. Sure, I’m still sore, but not nearly to the point where it interferes with my day any more!

The Super Uber Mega Ultra Important Missing Ingredient EVERYONE Needs More Of – I bet you can’t guess what it is… Give up?… Okay, it’s FUN. “If you aren’t having fun you’re doing it wrong”. If you don’t enjoy your workouts, then change them! You should be excited to get to the gym and lift or to go on your long runs, not dread them like it’s a root canal or a colonoscopy. If you don’t enjoy something, then you are less likely to stick with it and see the changes that made you start in the first place.

“What do you eat?” A peek into the diets of some of the best bodies I know… – Intermittent Fasting, mini meals, gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, and bring on the meat. Everybody is different and every body is different. Find out what works for you and then stick with it.

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